Blank template
Zine Therapy guides
Therapy Aids
Blank template
Single issue
Print this double-sided. Cut along the solid lines and fold/staple along the dashed lines.
Oops looks like I forgot this I'll add it soon.
Zine Therapy guides
Zine Therapy Package
This PDF includes a zine diagram/cheat sheet page, my self-care manual and how to make your own, my Zine Therapy Season 1 Retrospective, Strategies for Self-Therapy, and the 16-page blank template offered by itself.
You can print this full document double-sided or you can print pages 2-12 only double-sided. The first two pages are both 1-page things.
Therapy Aids
Therapy aid minizines
This PDF includes two minizines, one to help you reflect in between Zine Therapy sessions, and another low energy one that I made to keep up with my thoughts even when I didn't have the energy for anything.
If you do partake in Zine Therapy you will find it helpful to create similar aids for yourself, based on your needs.